September Newsletter

June Newsletter


This September 15th, we will celebrate “Back to Church Sunday” or “Rally Day” as many folks know it.

Over the summer, many of us have traveled, spent time with family, or simply enjoyed a slower pace. Now, as we gather once again, Rally Day offers us the perfect opportunity to reconnect—not just with each other, but with the deeper rhythms of our spiritual lives.

This day is an invitation to renew our commitment to God and to one another. It’s a time to look around and see the familiar faces of those who have walked with us through many seasons, as well as to warmly welcome new friends who are joining us on this journey. We are reminded that we are not alone in our walk of faith; we are part of a community, bound together by the love of Christ.

Rally Day is also day of celebration! We come together ready to worship, to sing, and to praise the God who has been with us through every season of our lives. It is a time to rejoice in the gift of community, in the beauty of our shared faith, and in the boundless love of God that holds us all.

As we approach September 15th, let us embrace Rally Day as a moment to renew our spirits, reconnect with one another, and rejoice in the gift of our shared faith. Whether you’ve been away or present each week, your place in our community is vital. Together, let’s step into this new season with gratitude and faith, trusting in God’s continued guidance.

Rev. David Petty

Note from the Woods/Ford Families

To our dear St. Paul’s family,

The words “Thank you” seem lacking. You all have helped to carry us through these devastating times. God is certainly showing His light through you all. You have blessed us with your support through your words, your cards, hugs, prayers and filling in for us so we could have the space to find our footing again. We will have a service to Celebrate Woody on December 14th and we will announce the time closer to the date.

Your love and kindness are helping to keep our pieces together right now. We are blessed beyond measure to be a part of this family.

Humbly we say thank you for everything you have done and continue to do for us,

The Woods and Ford families

Pastor's Discretionary Fund

Each communion Sunday we have a basket for those who feel called to give above and beyond their pledge. This "second-mile" giving will help fund the pastor's discretionary fund, which helps meet community needs as they arise, such as gas, lodging, clothing, etc. Feel free to bring your spare cash and change to help make a change in the lives of those in need.
The Church Mouse
The Church Mouse

The Church Mouse

“And do not forget to share with others,
 for with such sacrifices God is pleased.”
Hebrews 13:16

Do Good and Share

Many people naturally seem prone to save and be frugal.  They hold on to what they earn and are reluctant to give it away.  They may have a little or a lot, but their miserly attitude influences almost every decision.  On the other hand, many others love giving what they have away. They know that it’s truly more blessed to give than to receive, and they delight in being a blessing to others.

Regardless of our natural inclinations or personality, when we practice generosity, we find it’s easier to give away what we have.  When you don’t cling to possessions, wealth, or power as the source of your security or identity, you realize that you don’t need to hold on to them.  You know that God is the source of all you have, and as a result, you’re merely his steward, using what you’ve been given to advance his kingdom.

Whether it’s a kid sharing his lunch with another in the school cafeteria or a little boy sharing his lunch with Jesus to bless and multiply for the 5,000, there’s always a sense of the miraculous when we’re willing to give others what we have.
Friendship Bible Study

After taking the summer off we will have our first meeting Thursday September 12th at 9:30 AM in the Sunday school room. Any new ladies that would like to join us are welcome. Come and meet us and get acquainted. We will continue to meet every Thursday at 9:30. For more information contact Lu Petersen at 719-964-7455.
Rally Sunday … Our WELCOME BACK from SUMMER will be September 15th! Join us after church for special goodies and to share your summer adventures.

Communion for the Homebound

St. Paul’s members- we need your help. If you know of anyone in our St. Paul’s family who is homebound, in a nursing home, or unable to come to church for a while, please let me know their name and phone number. I will be happy to contact them and see if they would appreciate having communion brought to them. Lu Petersen, 597-2824.
Put the date on your calendar: PUMPKIN CARVING will be on Thursday October 24th, 6:00 - 7:30 pm, in Waddill Hall. We will enjoy a soup buffet, salad and dessert. There will be hot dogs for the kids. Even if you don’t want to carve a jack-o-lantern it is fun to come and enjoy the imagination of the carvers.

September Birthdays

Carol Zimmerman 9/2                    Beth Ford 9/2
Carolyn Myers 9/4                           Andrew Meikle 9/5
Ellen Witham 9/5                             Rodger Erickson 9/7
Heather Bruce 9/7                           Jackie Barrilleaux 9/10
Addi Ford 9/13                                Carolyn Sherman 9/13
Cheryl Barks 9/15                            Eldon Cornish 9/15
Valerie Cox 9/18                              Mark Horst 9/18
Susan Bowman 9/19                       Rev. David Petty 9/20
Diane Geoffroy 9/21                       Bob Hilty 9/21
Kaelyn Gordon 9/22                       John Gnadt 9/23
Harold Collins 9/24                         Elsa Gordon 9/24
Mark Rankin 9/24                            Connie Reed 9/25
Ruth Morr 9/27                                Pastor Donnie Sturgill 9/28
Karen Bookman 9/29

September Anniversaries

Susan & Andy Kindell  
September 3, 1983
41 Years

Erin & Clay Couitt
September 7, 2018
6 Years

Don & Karen Staudte
September 7, 1963
61 Years

Willie & Carol Horst
September 16, 1961
63 Years

Brian & Jeanne Marsh
September 23, 1967
57 Years

Schedule of Weekly Online & In-Person Events

View our calendar online

9:30a Worship & Youth Sunday School
9:45a Children’s Sunday School
10:30a Fellowship Time
10:45a Exalt!
11:00a Adult Sunday School
5:00p Youth Group

6:30p Jubilee Bells
7:00p Vocal Fusion
7:30p Barbershop

11:00a  Line Dancing

8:30a Wednesday Morning Bible Study
6:30p Sanctuary Choir

5:00p Brewing Faith

September Events

9/8 6:00 pm Finance Committee                        
9/15 Rally Day 9:30 am
9/19 11:30 am Worship Committee                   
9/19 6:00 pm Trustees meeting
9/20 6:00 pm Church Council                              
9/22 11:00 am Adult Sunday School
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