February 25, 2024


February Mission Focus: Care and Share
The core belief of Care and Share Food Bank is that no one should go hungry. Care and Share‘s mission is to provide food, partnering opportunities and education to fight hunger and food insecurity across 31 counties in southern Colorado.
Care and Share was founded by sister Dominique Pisciotta in 1972 as she saw many who struggled with hunger and decided to do something about it. Seven downtown churches supported her efforts.
Care and Share began by distributing food baskets that were put together in volunteers’ basements. It then grew into a dedicated two-car garage on South Wahsatch, evolving into the present day’s large, well-equipped centers in Colorado Springs and Pueblo that provide food to a network of 291 partners. Mobile markets and pantries for those with limited access to grocery stores are available.
Food is donated or received at low-cost from suppliers, community partners, and federal programs. One dollar provides five meals. Last year, 22,600,000 pounds of food were allocated to 256,740 people. Almost 10,000 children took nutritious food home to their families through children’s programs.
Last year St Paul’s generously donated $840 to this remarkable agency. May we prayerfully consider increasing our gifts this year? Since Care and Share is able to purchase food at a greatly reduced cost, financial donations are preferred. You may donate on the church website, use the QR code or write a check to St Paul’s with the memo February Mission: Care and Share .
“The King will reply, ‘I will tell you the truth. Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.’” Matthew 25:40 NIV
~Missions Committee
Care and Share was founded by sister Dominique Pisciotta in 1972 as she saw many who struggled with hunger and decided to do something about it. Seven downtown churches supported her efforts.
Care and Share began by distributing food baskets that were put together in volunteers’ basements. It then grew into a dedicated two-car garage on South Wahsatch, evolving into the present day’s large, well-equipped centers in Colorado Springs and Pueblo that provide food to a network of 291 partners. Mobile markets and pantries for those with limited access to grocery stores are available.
Food is donated or received at low-cost from suppliers, community partners, and federal programs. One dollar provides five meals. Last year, 22,600,000 pounds of food were allocated to 256,740 people. Almost 10,000 children took nutritious food home to their families through children’s programs.
Last year St Paul’s generously donated $840 to this remarkable agency. May we prayerfully consider increasing our gifts this year? Since Care and Share is able to purchase food at a greatly reduced cost, financial donations are preferred. You may donate on the church website, use the QR code or write a check to St Paul’s with the memo February Mission: Care and Share .
“The King will reply, ‘I will tell you the truth. Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.’” Matthew 25:40 NIV
~Missions Committee

Pastor's Discretionary Fund
Each communion Sunday thereafter we will have a basket for those who feel called to give above and beyond their pledge. This "second-mile" giving will help fund the pastor's discretionary fund, which helps meet community needs as they arise, such as gas, lodging, clothing, etc. Feel free to bring your spare cash and change to help make a change in the lives of those in need.
Schedule of Weekly Online & In-Person Events
View our calendar online
9:30a Worship & Youth Sunday School
9:45a Children’s Sunday School
10:30a Fellowship Time
10:45a Exalt!
11:00a Adult Sunday School
5:00p Youth Group
12:00p Pikes Peak Home School Band & Symphony
6:30p Jubilee Bells
7:00p Vocal Fusion
7:30p Barbershop Chorus
11:00a Line Dancing
8:30a Wednesday Morning Bible Study
12:00p Pikes Peak Home School Band & Symphony
6:30p Sanctuary Choir
5:00p Brewing Faith
March Events
March Upcoming Events
14th @ 6:00 pm Finance Committee
19th @ 6:00 pm Church Council
21st @ 1:00 pm Worship Committee
21st @ 6:00 pm Trustee Committee
24th @ 10:30 am Palm Sunday Brunch
31st @ 9:30 am Easter Service, Cantata, Egg Hunt, Easter Fair
14th @ 6:00 pm Finance Committee
19th @ 6:00 pm Church Council
21st @ 1:00 pm Worship Committee
21st @ 6:00 pm Trustee Committee
24th @ 10:30 am Palm Sunday Brunch
31st @ 9:30 am Easter Service, Cantata, Egg Hunt, Easter Fair

Easter Egg Hunt Donations
Please bring in the following items:
-Granola Bars
-Fruit Roll-Ups
-Fruit Snacks
-Lunch Size bags of chips
A donation wheelbarrow will be in the Narthex for drop-offs.
A huge “Thank You” to my church family.
Please bring in the following items:
-Granola Bars
-Fruit Roll-Ups
-Fruit Snacks
-Lunch Size bags of chips
A donation wheelbarrow will be in the Narthex for drop-offs.
A huge “Thank You” to my church family.

Stephanie Shorden
Rev. David Petty
Threshold Moment
Rev. David Petty
Leader: We continue our movement through the Lent season this week with another kind of “letting go.” This week we lament that so much in life is out of our control. This is frustrating to us and so sometimes we have been tempted to believe the sayings that tell us if we just “think positively,” we can turn it all around. Yet our experience tells us that this doesn’t always work. Let us turn ladder-climbing toward the expectation of a perfect life into garden-tending, nurturing “what is” and embracing our holy, good enough, lives.
Threshold Song
Dominick Nors
What in our lives
do we dream
about for tomorrow,
void of sorrow?
Time spent regretting
decisions of our yesterdays,
mistakes we made?
Sometimes we get what we get,
life disappoints us and yet,
God is still here and somehow,
this faith is good enough.
Calling on God Prayer
Nancy Gehrung
Leader: Let us pray together:
Holy One, Our Light and Salvation, we call out to you, sometimes afraid of the adversaries in life. Shelter us in days of trouble, lead us on level paths. Open us this day to your grace and peace, transform our frustrations into simple and good enough moments that fill our days. Amen.
*Opening Hymn
Take Time to Be Holy
UMH #395
WORDS: William D. Longstaff, ca. 1882 (1 Pet. 1:16)
1. Take time to be holy,
speak oft with thy Lord;
abide in Him always,
and feed on His word.
Make friends of
God’s children,
help those who are weak,
forgetting in nothing
His blessing to seek.
2. Take time to be holy,
the world rushes on;
spend much time
in secret
with Jesus alone.
By looking to Jesus,
like Him thou shalt be;
thy friends in thy conduct
His likeness shall see.
3. Take time to be holy,
let Him be thy guide,
and run not before Him,
whatever betide.
In joy or in sorrow,
still follow the Lord,
and, looking to Jesus,
still trust in His word.
4. Take time to be holy,
be calm in thy soul,
each thought
and each motive
beneath His control.
Thus led by His spirit
to fountains of love,
thou soon shall be fitted
for service above.
Stephanie Shorden
Rev. David Petty
Threshold Moment
Rev. David Petty
Leader: We continue our movement through the Lent season this week with another kind of “letting go.” This week we lament that so much in life is out of our control. This is frustrating to us and so sometimes we have been tempted to believe the sayings that tell us if we just “think positively,” we can turn it all around. Yet our experience tells us that this doesn’t always work. Let us turn ladder-climbing toward the expectation of a perfect life into garden-tending, nurturing “what is” and embracing our holy, good enough, lives.
Threshold Song
Dominick Nors
What in our lives
do we dream
about for tomorrow,
void of sorrow?
Time spent regretting
decisions of our yesterdays,
mistakes we made?
Sometimes we get what we get,
life disappoints us and yet,
God is still here and somehow,
this faith is good enough.
Calling on God Prayer
Nancy Gehrung
Leader: Let us pray together:
Holy One, Our Light and Salvation, we call out to you, sometimes afraid of the adversaries in life. Shelter us in days of trouble, lead us on level paths. Open us this day to your grace and peace, transform our frustrations into simple and good enough moments that fill our days. Amen.
*Opening Hymn
Take Time to Be Holy
UMH #395
WORDS: William D. Longstaff, ca. 1882 (1 Pet. 1:16)
1. Take time to be holy,
speak oft with thy Lord;
abide in Him always,
and feed on His word.
Make friends of
God’s children,
help those who are weak,
forgetting in nothing
His blessing to seek.
2. Take time to be holy,
the world rushes on;
spend much time
in secret
with Jesus alone.
By looking to Jesus,
like Him thou shalt be;
thy friends in thy conduct
His likeness shall see.
3. Take time to be holy,
let Him be thy guide,
and run not before Him,
whatever betide.
In joy or in sorrow,
still follow the Lord,
and, looking to Jesus,
still trust in His word.
4. Take time to be holy,
be calm in thy soul,
each thought
and each motive
beneath His control.
Thus led by His spirit
to fountains of love,
thou soon shall be fitted
for service above.

*The Peace
Mystery Box
Mystery Box

Honest Questions, Compassionate Responses
Nancy Gehrung
Leader: Even Jesus got dang frustrated when folks didn’t behave as he would have liked. We probably aren’t receiving death threats from Herod as Jesus was, but our wellbeing could be threatened by the idea that if we just try hard enough, are nice enough, say just the right thing, life will always go our way. We run around in so many directions, trying to herd the chicks into some imagined semblance of perfect formation (have you ever tried to herd chicks?). What if we could let go of needing all things and all people to be “just so” and instead learn to dance with the unfolding of that which is not ours to control? Let us take a moment of silent reflection…
Silent Reflection
Leader: Hear this compassionate word from the Psalmist: “I believe that I shall see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living. Wait for the LORD; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the LORD!”
Know that already, God is offering us freedom from feeling alone in fixing what feels oh so wrong with this world, inviting us to let go of the need to be God, so that we might recognize that God is with us, offering courage in difficulty.
And know, that despite our sometimes faltering steps, in the name of Jesus Christ, you are being forgiven, even now.
People: In the name of Jesus Christ, you are forgiven. Glory to God! Amen.
Gospel Reading
Luke 13:31-35
Nancy Gehrung
At that very hour some Pharisees came and said to him, "Get away from here, for Herod wants to kill you."
He said to them, "Go and tell that fox for me, 'Listen, I am casting out demons and performing cures today and tomorrow, and on the third day I finish my work. Yet today, tomorrow, and the next day I must be on my way, because it is impossible for a prophet to be killed outside of Jerusalem.'
Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to it! How often have I desired to gather your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you were not willing! See, your house is left to you. And I tell you, you will not see me until the time comes when you say, 'Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord.'"
A Word of God that is still speaking,
Thanks be to God.
So Much is Out of Our Control
Rev. David Petty
Prayers of the People & The Lord’s Prayer
Nancy Gehrung
Though all along our daily pilgrim race
our treasures small and very few may be,
our souls are blest with God’s unending grace,
and that is enough, enough for me.
Oh, that’s enough for me,
God’s truth has set me free;
the love of Christ has sanctified my soul,
and that is enough for me.
Leader: Sanctification, or the process of being set apart or made holy, is a theological concept that has been greatly debated over time–are we made holy in a once-and-done kind of way or are we always simply moving in that direction based on our merits? It is as if once the debate is settled, then we can know what to do and control the outcome of goodness for ourselves. And yet, if we worry less about our own sanctification and more on treating the world, the planet, and all the creatures, especially those who are suffering, as holy and worthy of our love, then we will be acting on what we can control, sharing what we have with others.
When food and raiment are not ever sure,
and simple fare is hard to get for some,
we work to share our goods with one and all,
and that is enough, enough for me.
Oh, that’s enough for me,
God’s truth has set me free;
a love like Christ’s is meant for ev’ry soul,
and that is enough for me.
The Lord's Prayer
Our Father
who art in heaven,
hallowed be Thy Name;
Thy Kingdom come.
Thy will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day
our daily bread,
and forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those
who trespass against us.
Lead us not
into temptation
but deliver us from evil.
For Thine is the Kingdom,
and the Power
and the Glory forever.
Nancy Gehrung
Leader: Even Jesus got dang frustrated when folks didn’t behave as he would have liked. We probably aren’t receiving death threats from Herod as Jesus was, but our wellbeing could be threatened by the idea that if we just try hard enough, are nice enough, say just the right thing, life will always go our way. We run around in so many directions, trying to herd the chicks into some imagined semblance of perfect formation (have you ever tried to herd chicks?). What if we could let go of needing all things and all people to be “just so” and instead learn to dance with the unfolding of that which is not ours to control? Let us take a moment of silent reflection…
Silent Reflection
Leader: Hear this compassionate word from the Psalmist: “I believe that I shall see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living. Wait for the LORD; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the LORD!”
Know that already, God is offering us freedom from feeling alone in fixing what feels oh so wrong with this world, inviting us to let go of the need to be God, so that we might recognize that God is with us, offering courage in difficulty.
And know, that despite our sometimes faltering steps, in the name of Jesus Christ, you are being forgiven, even now.
People: In the name of Jesus Christ, you are forgiven. Glory to God! Amen.
Gospel Reading
Luke 13:31-35
Nancy Gehrung
At that very hour some Pharisees came and said to him, "Get away from here, for Herod wants to kill you."
He said to them, "Go and tell that fox for me, 'Listen, I am casting out demons and performing cures today and tomorrow, and on the third day I finish my work. Yet today, tomorrow, and the next day I must be on my way, because it is impossible for a prophet to be killed outside of Jerusalem.'
Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to it! How often have I desired to gather your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you were not willing! See, your house is left to you. And I tell you, you will not see me until the time comes when you say, 'Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord.'"
A Word of God that is still speaking,
Thanks be to God.
So Much is Out of Our Control
Rev. David Petty
Prayers of the People & The Lord’s Prayer
Nancy Gehrung
Though all along our daily pilgrim race
our treasures small and very few may be,
our souls are blest with God’s unending grace,
and that is enough, enough for me.
Oh, that’s enough for me,
God’s truth has set me free;
the love of Christ has sanctified my soul,
and that is enough for me.
Leader: Sanctification, or the process of being set apart or made holy, is a theological concept that has been greatly debated over time–are we made holy in a once-and-done kind of way or are we always simply moving in that direction based on our merits? It is as if once the debate is settled, then we can know what to do and control the outcome of goodness for ourselves. And yet, if we worry less about our own sanctification and more on treating the world, the planet, and all the creatures, especially those who are suffering, as holy and worthy of our love, then we will be acting on what we can control, sharing what we have with others.
When food and raiment are not ever sure,
and simple fare is hard to get for some,
we work to share our goods with one and all,
and that is enough, enough for me.
Oh, that’s enough for me,
God’s truth has set me free;
a love like Christ’s is meant for ev’ry soul,
and that is enough for me.
The Lord's Prayer
Our Father
who art in heaven,
hallowed be Thy Name;
Thy Kingdom come.
Thy will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day
our daily bread,
and forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those
who trespass against us.
Lead us not
into temptation
but deliver us from evil.
For Thine is the Kingdom,
and the Power
and the Glory forever.

Invitation to Offering
Nancy Gehrung
Precious Lord
Sanctuary Choir
Prayer of Thanksgiving
Rev. David Petty
Generous God,
in light of your extravagant blessings–
no matter what the state of the world or our imperfect lives–
we offer our gifts and ourselves,
and know that you transform what we plant
into the produce of love.
All: Amen.
Praise God from Whom all Blessings Flow
Praise God, from whom
all blessings flow;
Praise God, all creatures
here below: Alleluia! Alleluia!
Praise God, the source
of all our gifts!
Praise Jesus Christ,
whose power uplifts!
Praise the Spirit,
Holy Spirit!
Alleluia! Alleluia!
Nancy Gehrung
Precious Lord
Sanctuary Choir
Prayer of Thanksgiving
Rev. David Petty
Generous God,
in light of your extravagant blessings–
no matter what the state of the world or our imperfect lives–
we offer our gifts and ourselves,
and know that you transform what we plant
into the produce of love.
All: Amen.
Praise God from Whom all Blessings Flow
Praise God, from whom
all blessings flow;
Praise God, all creatures
here below: Alleluia! Alleluia!
Praise God, the source
of all our gifts!
Praise Jesus Christ,
whose power uplifts!
Praise the Spirit,
Holy Spirit!
Alleluia! Alleluia!

A Blessing for When You Realize Everyone is Struggling
“Blessed are you who see things clearly, where struggle is everyone’s normal.
You walk among the fellowship of the afflicted, a club no one wants to join.
And while this life isn’t shiny, it does come with superpowers.
Superpowers of ever-widening empathy and existential courage
that gets you back up after another fall
and a deepened awe at the beauty and love that can be found amid life’s rubble.
Like flowers that grow from the cracks in the sidewalk.
These virtues blossom in you. And thank God for you.
Blessed are all of us who struggle, for we are in good company,
and we’ll never walk alone.”
*Closing Hymn
Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing
UMH #400
WORDS: Robert Robinson, 1758 (1 Sam. 7:12)
1. Come, thou Fount
of every blessing,
tune my heart
to sing thy grace;
streams of mercy,
never ceasing,
call for songs of
loudest praise.
Teach me some
melodious sonnet,
sung by flaming
tongues above.
Praise the mount!
I’m fixed upon it,
mount of thy
redeeming love.
2. Here I raise
mine Ebenezer;
hither by thy
help I’m come;
and I hope, by
thy good pleasure,
safely to
arrive at home.
Jesus sought me
when a stranger,
wandering from the
fold of God;
he, to rescue
me from danger,
interposed his
precious blood.
3. O to grace
how great a debtor
daily I’m
constrained to be!
Let thy goodness,
like a fetter,
bind my wandering
heart to thee.
Prone to wander,
Lord, I feel it,
prone to leave the
God I love;
here’s my heart,
O take and seal it,
seal it for thy
courts above.
And now, may the God who loves all of creation, especially when it’s painful,
and Jesus, our companion along this crooked path called life,
and the Holy Spirit, who loves to improvise in surprising ways,
go with you, dwell among you, and give you joy. Amen.
God is still here and somehow, this faith is good enough.
Stephanie Shorden
“Blessed are you who see things clearly, where struggle is everyone’s normal.
You walk among the fellowship of the afflicted, a club no one wants to join.
And while this life isn’t shiny, it does come with superpowers.
Superpowers of ever-widening empathy and existential courage
that gets you back up after another fall
and a deepened awe at the beauty and love that can be found amid life’s rubble.
Like flowers that grow from the cracks in the sidewalk.
These virtues blossom in you. And thank God for you.
Blessed are all of us who struggle, for we are in good company,
and we’ll never walk alone.”
*Closing Hymn
Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing
UMH #400
WORDS: Robert Robinson, 1758 (1 Sam. 7:12)
1. Come, thou Fount
of every blessing,
tune my heart
to sing thy grace;
streams of mercy,
never ceasing,
call for songs of
loudest praise.
Teach me some
melodious sonnet,
sung by flaming
tongues above.
Praise the mount!
I’m fixed upon it,
mount of thy
redeeming love.
2. Here I raise
mine Ebenezer;
hither by thy
help I’m come;
and I hope, by
thy good pleasure,
safely to
arrive at home.
Jesus sought me
when a stranger,
wandering from the
fold of God;
he, to rescue
me from danger,
interposed his
precious blood.
3. O to grace
how great a debtor
daily I’m
constrained to be!
Let thy goodness,
like a fetter,
bind my wandering
heart to thee.
Prone to wander,
Lord, I feel it,
prone to leave the
God I love;
here’s my heart,
O take and seal it,
seal it for thy
courts above.
And now, may the God who loves all of creation, especially when it’s painful,
and Jesus, our companion along this crooked path called life,
and the Holy Spirit, who loves to improvise in surprising ways,
go with you, dwell among you, and give you joy. Amen.
God is still here and somehow, this faith is good enough.
Stephanie Shorden
Posted in Liturgies
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