November 12, 2023

November 11, 2023
Stephanie Shorden

Rev. David Petty

Threshold Song
Come to the Table of Grace
W & S #3168
Barbara Hamm
© 2008 Barbara Hamm
1. Come to the table of grace.
Come to the table of grace.
This is God’s table;
it’s not yours or mine.
Come to the table of grace.
2. Come to the table of peace.
Come to the table of peace.
This is God’s table;
it’s not yours or mine.
Come to the table of peace.
3. Come to the table of love.
Come to the table of love.
This is God’s table;
it’s not yours or mine.
Come to the table of love.
4. Come to the table of joy.
Come to the table of joy.
This is God’s table;
it’s not yours or mine.
Come to the table of joy.

*Call To Worship
Rev. Sylvia Edwards

Leader: We gather today to listen, to learn, and to love.
People: We are ready to share and to hear what others have to say.
Leader: Though we are all different, we yearn to find a mutual understanding.
People: We are standing on common ground.
Leader: We take our seat at the Table of Peace.
People: We know that God is already here!
Leader: This is the day that the Lord has made.
People: We shall rejoice and be glad in it!

*Gathering Song
Amazing Grace My Chains Are Gone
W & S 3104
John Newton (stanzas), refrain by Chris Tomlin, and Louie Giglio
Refrain © 2006 Songs/sixsteps Music (ASCAP),
Vamos Publishing (ASCAP), admin. at

1. Amazing grace!
how sweet the sound
that saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost but now am found;
was blind, but now I see.
2. ’Twas grace that taught
my heart to fear;
and grace my fears relieved.
How precious did that grace appear
the hour I first believed.
My chains are gone,
I’ve been set free.
My God, my Savior,
has ransomed me.
And like a flood his mercy reigns,
unending love, amazing grace
3. The Lord has promised
good to me;
his word my hope secures.
He will my shield and portion be
as long as life endures.
My chains are gone,
I’ve been set free.
My God, my Savior,
has ransomed me.
And like a flood his mercy reigns,
unending love, amazing grace
4. The earth shall soon
dissolve like snow,
the sun forbear to shine.
But God who called me
here below,
will be forever mine.
You are forever mine.

Moment for Missions
Springs Rescue Mission

Greet Your Neighbors
New Member & Baptisms
Mystery Box

Prayer Song
Make Me a Channel of Your Peace
Vs. 1 TFWS #2171
WORDS: Prayer of St. Francis; adapt. by Sebastian Temple (Matt. 6:12-15)
MUSIC: Sebastian Temple
© 1967 OCP Publications

1. Make me a channel
of your peace.
Where there is hatred,
let me bring your love,
Where there is injury,
your pardon, Lord,
and where there’s doubt,
true faith in you.

Pastoral, Silent and, The Lord’s Prayer
Rev. Syliva Edwards

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name; Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the Kingdom, and the Power and the Glory forever.

Prayer Response
Make Me a Channel of Your Peace
Vs. 2 TFWS #2171
WORDS: Prayer of St. Francis; adapt. by Sebastian Temple (Matt. 6:12-15)
MUSIC: Sebastian Temple
© 1967 OCP Publications

2. Make me a channel
of your peace.
Where there’s
despair in life,
let me bring hope.
Where there is darkness,
only light,
and where there’s sadness,
ever joy.

Invitation to Offering
Rev. Sylvia Edwards

Deb DeLaney

Prayer of Thanks and Dedication
Rev. David Petty

Praise God from Whom all Blessings Flow
Praise God, from whom
all blessings flow;
Praise God, all creatures
here below: Alleluia! Alleluia!
Praise God, the source
of all our gifts!
Praise Jesus Christ,
whose power uplifts!
Praise the Spirit,
Holy Spirit!
Alleluia! Alleluia!

Scripture Reading
Romans 14:1-12
Rev. Sylvia Edwards

Welcome those who are weak in faith but not for the purpose of quarreling over opinions.
 Some believe in eating anything, while the weak eat only vegetables. Those who eat must not despise those who abstain, and those who abstain must not pass judgment on those who eat, for God has welcomed them. Who are you to pass judgment on slaves of another? It is before their own lord that they stand or fall. And they will be upheld, for the Lord is able to make them stand.

Some judge one day to be better than another, while others judge all days to be alike. Let all be fully convinced in their own minds. Those who observe the day, observe it for the Lord. Also those who eat, eat for the Lord, since they give thanks to God, while those who abstain, abstain for the Lord and give thanks to God.

For we do not live to ourselves, and we do not die to ourselves. If we live, we live to the Lord, and if we die, we die to the Lord; so then, whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord’s. For to this end Christ died and lived again, so that he might be Lord of both the dead and the living.

Why do you pass judgment on your brother or sister? Or you, why do you despise your brother or sister? For we will all stand before the judgment seat of God. For it is written,
“As I live, says the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall give praise to God.”
So then, each one of us will be held accountable.

Prayer for Illumination

Leader: May the words of my mouth,
People: and the meditations of all of our hearts
All: be acceptable in your sight, O Lord our rock and our redeemer.

Psalm 19:14

Table of Peace
Rev. David Petty

They’ll Know We Are Christians by Our Love
TFWS #2223
WORDS: Peter Scholtes (John 13:34-35; Eph. 4:4-6)
MUSIC: Peter Scholtes
© 1966 F.E.L. Publications, assigned 1991 to The Lorenz Corp.
1. We are one in the Spirit,
we are one in the Lord,
we are one in the Spirit,
we are one in the Lord,
and we pray
that all unity
may one day
be restored:
And they’ll know
we are Christians
by our love,
by our love;
yes, they’ll know
we are Christians
by our love.
2. We will walk
with each other,
we will walk hand in hand,
we will walk
with each other,
we will walk hand in hand,
and together
we’ll spread the news
that God is
in our land:
And they’ll know
we are Christians
by our love,
by our love;
yes, they’ll know
we are Christians
by our love.
3. We will work
with each other,
we will work side by side,
we will work
with each other,
we will work side by side,
and we’ll guard
human dignity,
and save
human pride:
And they’ll know
we are Christians
by our love,
by our love;
yes, they’ll know
we are Christians
by our love.
4. All praise to the Father,
from whom
all things come,
and all to Christ Jesus,
God’s only Son,
and all praise
to the Spirit,
who makes us one:
And they’ll know
we are Christians
by our love,
by our love;
yes, they’ll know
we are Christians
by our love.

Rev. David Petty

Stephanie Shorden

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